Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are a tool for expressing actions that a person performs on him/herself. These verbs appear in many languages, such as German. However, learning them is difficult because, in addition to the need to learn the verb conjugation, it is important to use the appropriate pronoun, since pronouns indicate the gender and number of the subject performing the reflexive action.


To indicate that the person or thing that performs the action is also the one that receives it, reflexive verbs are used in Spanish. These verbs are formed by adding a pronoun before the conjugated verb. The choice of pronoun will depend on the person performing the action, so the use of the pronoun will vary. Learn them all with Sprachcaffe!

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Conjugation of reflexive pronouns

These reflexive pronouns are essential to indicate that the action of the verb is being performed by the same person who receives it. They are placed before the verb and agree in person and number with the subject performing the action.

List of reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs in Spanish Translation Reflexive verbs in Spanish Translation
1. Aburrirse to get bored 16. Equivocarse to make a mistake
2. Acostarse to go to bed 17. Lavarse to wash oneself
3. Acostumbrarse to get used to 18. Levantarse to get up
4. Afeitarse to shave 19. Llamarse to be called (for names)
5. Alegrarse to be happy, to rejoice 20. Maquillarse to put on makeup
6. Arrepentirse to regret 21. Peinarse to comb one's hair
7. Bañarse to bathe 22. Pelearse to fight with oneself or others
8. Casarse to get married 23. Ponerse to put on (clothes, accessories)
9. Cepillarse los dientes to brush one's teeth 24. Prepararse to get ready
10. Cortarse el pelo to cut one's hair 25. Quejarse to complain
11. Despedirse to say goodbye 26. Reírse to laugh
12. Despertarse to wake up 27. Secarse to dry oneself
13. Divertirse to have fun 28. Sentarse to sit down
14. Ducharse to take a shower 29. Soprenderse to be surprised
15. Enamorarse to fall in love 30. Vestirse to dress oneself

Remember: when using these verbs you have to conjugate the reflexive pronoun in agreement with the subject!


Despite their grammatical difficulty, since you must also pay attention to the pronoun, these reflexive verbs are fundamental in Spanish because they not only indicate who performs the action, but also who receives it. At Sprachcaffe we recommend that you practice telling your daily routine to learn these verbs, since you will use many of these verbs when describing your daily routine. In addition, it is important that you practice reflexive verbs to memorize them more easily. And remember, it is common to make mistakes! Write them down so that you can keep improving.