Sprachcaffe Team Leaders

Learn more about our Sprachcaffe Teamers.

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Last places for your language study trip: Learn English or Spanish in Malta, London or Málaga with an all-inclusive package: Accommodation, supervision, meals, activities, excursions and language course.

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Sprachcaffe's Team Leaders: The Teamers

Who are the 'Teamers'?

'Teamers', our on-site team of supervisors, are young and open-minded adults who take great pleasure in caring for and providing support for our young language students. Our Teamers have the students' best interests at heart, and it is their priority to make sure our teenagers have the best language holiday experience possible. They are available at all times to assist students with their every need, big or small – from general advice and support to a helping hand and a friendly smile! Many of our team leaders are former students who have taken part in our Sprachcaffe travel programs, therefore making them intimately familiar with the experience of being a foreign student on a language course abroad. They have also worked with young people in their home country: volunteering as sports coaches, tutors and heads of youth centres. The different backgrounds in youth care result in the perfect mix of on-site support. The wide range of knowledge and experience with young people provided by our Teamers means that the needs and concerns of our students are always met. Having a Teamer around ensures a smooth language travel experience - with each Teamer being responsible for a group of no more than 15 students.

Interview with Teamer Alexander

What I appreciate the most is working in an international environment. You always work with nice people from different countries in a great atmosphere. I think international and cosmopolitan also describes the company quite well: Sprachcaffe was founded over 30 years ago by two Italians in Germany and now has language schools all over the world!

You simply apply on the Sprachcaffe website and indicate the working period that works for you. It is important that you are over 21 years old, have good language skills and are in possession of a first aid course certification. Of course, relevant experience and an open personality are also helpful. You will then be invited to join the Teamer training, where future Teamers are trained and prepared for everyday situations that they might have to deal with. Those who seem like a good fit will receive their job offer.

Being a Sprachcaffe Teamer is an incredibly exciting job with many different tasks. As a Teamer, you're a supervisor, organizer, city guide and entertainer all at the same time. The role also really encourages you to take on responsibility and contribute with your own ideas. The people in charge are always open to suggestions, so that every Teamer can really play a role in shaping the program and the organization. And when the students have fun you know you are doing a good job.

Languages have been an integral part of my life for many years. English has almost become my second language, and I can also communicate in Spanish quite well. I acquired this knowledge during my studies: I spent one year in Newcastle (Great Britain) and later wrote my bachelor thesis in Andalusia. During this great time I a lot of wonderful people from different countries, people with whom I am still in contact today.

Each destination has its own special charm. Summer in England is relatively mild and not as hot as in other countries. As the capital, London is of course a top travel destination, wheres Brighton is very attractive because of its beaches and the great landscape. Above all, I like the British accent, especially the one of the Sussex region.

Malta is also a very beautiful Mediterranean island with great scenery and fantastic weather. In the summer months it can be very hot, but in the low season (April/October) it is very pleasant. You can even swim until the end of October! Of the two months that I spent there I can only remember one day of rain.

How we build our perfect team

In building our group of Teamers each year, we always strive to strike the perfect balance between old and new staff, meaning the team is a dynamic mix of fresh enthusiasm and long-term experience. Through the support received by our long-term teamers, our new members master the job quickly and efficiently. Interviews and seminars take place before the arrival of new Teamers so that they are fully prepared and briefed on the activities they will be involved in. Through group discussions, case studies and lectures, the Teamers learn how to manage a variety of situations and to act appropriately. Teamers are thoroughly trained on local child protection laws and how to deal with problems and sensitive cases. They receive a detailed briefing on Sprachcaffe’s policies and rules so that they fully understand the student experience we want to provide - it is only when team leaders and students are following the same guidelines and working towards the same goals that the trip can be a success! The Teamers also receive cultural and local information so that they can truly understand the location and environment of the school they are going to be working at. We really believe that leaders equipped with on-the-ground knowledge can guide their teams with confidence. Based in the school building, they are around at any time to help and advise ourstudents. A communication channel between management, teacher and student, the Sprachcaffe Teamers are always at our students' disposal with a friendly smile and open ears.

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