Listening comprehension
We teach you how to train your listening comprehension in Spanish.
To the tips »Here you will find everything you need to learn Spanish for free with us.
There are currently about 25 million people in the world who are actively learning Spanish and you too can be part of this huge community. Learning Spanish will bring you many advantages, as you will be able to communicate in 21 countries whose native language is Spanish and get in touch with the 548 million Spanish speakers in the world, 475 million of them native speakers.
In the following pages, we will introduce you to learning Spanish. We will give you useful tips that will help you learn this beautiful language, we will also clarify any doubts you may have about learning Spanish and we will give you a guide to help you learn it successfully. So don't hesitate and start the adventure of learning Spanish!
Are you interested in learning Spanish and want to do it in a fun and free way? Then you have come to the right place. In our version of "learn Spanish for free with Sprachcaffe" you will find everything related to learning the language. Starting with the four Spanish skills, going through Spanish grammar and vocabulary, to useful tools and tips that will help you to strengthen your knowledge of the language and to start speaking Spanish with confidence once and for all. So don't hesitate any longer, and let the Spanish learning begin!
As with any language, there are four areas to focus on when learning Spanish. These are speaking, reading comprehension, listening comprehension and writing. When developing your learning strategy, it is important that you focus on these four areas and set learning objectives within them.
We teach you how to train your listening comprehension in Spanish.
To the tips »Find out how you can improve your reading comprehension in Spanish.
To the tips »Looking for a specific Spanish grammar topic or want to improve your Spanish spelling? You're sure to find what you're looking for in our Spanish Grammar and Spelling Guide.
Learn grammar now »Expand your Spanish vocabulary with our help. We have created specific vocabulary lists for each topic. You will also find explanations of effective methods for learning vocabulary.
Expand your vocabulary now »Then join us on a language trip to Barcelona, Malaga or Havana - we guarantee your language improvement and the fun is already included!
Without proper learning strategies and methods, learning a new language can become very tiring. Of course, this also applies to learning Spanish. For this reason, we provide you with some useful methods and strategies that will help you learn Spanish effectively and successfully. Below you will find useful tips and learning strategies for each language level. We have used the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to define the language level.
A learning strategy adapted to your current level of Spanish can lead to more efficient and effective learning, as it will allow you to learn in a focused and structured way. For example, if you are a beginner, you should start with basic vocabulary, phrases and grammar rules. If, on the other hand, you already have an advanced level of the language, you should focus on improving your conversation, pronunciation and writing.
Below we show you approaches and learning strategies for your current level of Spanish. We give you recommendations for the next steps in language learning. You can also take advantage of our numerous Spanish learning resources in the main areas of vocabulary and grammar. With Sprachcaffe you will learn Spanish successfully and effectively.
Let's start your Spanish learning together!
Beginners, in particular, often wonder how best to start learning Spanish. It is best to concentrate on pronunciation, grammar and basic vocabulary. In the following sections we have compiled some tips for these areas.
Pronunciation: There are some special features of Spanish pronunciation that you should understand at the beginning. You should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of Spanish pronunciation. The best way to practice pronunciation is by reading texts aloud or repeating dialogues.
Basic grammar rules: When formulating your first sentences in Spanish, learning the basic grammar rules is very important. You should also learn to conjugate Spanish verbs as soon as possible. When it comes to conjugating Spanish verbs, with the exception of some irregular verbs, there are fixed rules that you should internalize from the beginning. Acquiring a good basic grammar knowledge will make your life easier in later, more complex grammar classes.
Basic vocabulary: When learning a new language, it is very important to accumulate a wide range of basic vocabulary from the beginning, as without a good vocabulary you will find it difficult to understand texts. Therefore, especially as a beginner, you should spend a lot of time adding new words to your vocabulary. At first, you should concentrate on words and phrases that you use on a daily basis. After a short time, you will be able to understand simple texts and follow easy dialogues.
As soon as you have internalized the basic rules of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, you will be able to start understanding your first dialogues and short texts. You will quickly realize whether you have understood the basic grammar rules.
You can learn short texts by writing letters. You should also have simple conversations with friends or relatives. For example, about topics such as professions or life situations. This will also help you to learn new vocabulary. Also learning Spanish online to considerably improve your language skills can be a good tool. Websites like Duolingo or Babbel are suitable for this. If you want to learn English professionally, you can also take an online course at Sprachcaffe. Here, real teachers teach you Spanish with the help of the Internet.
Even with an already advanced knowledge of Spanish, you should focus on developing your grammatical knowledge and expanding your vocabulary. By learning grammar, you can venture into using more complex grammar rules as an experienced learner. Since you have already improved your basic conjugation skills as a beginner, you should start conjugating irregular verbs at B1 and B2 levels.
With advanced knowledge of Spanish, you can also start writing your own texts and read short stories and shorter books. When reading, always have a highlighter handy and mark unfamiliar words, phrases and grammatical elements. You can write them down to study when you have finished reading. To improve your listening comprehension, you can also start listening to Spanish music or podcasts. You can also watch your favorite series or movies in Spanish. It is best to turn on the subtitles while watching the movie in Spanish. This will increase the learning effect while watching the movie.
Reaching Spanish levels B1 and B2 is an important milestone in your language learning. You should now work more intensively on the four Spanish skills and, above all, continue to improve your speaking skills. Take every opportunity to speak and listen in Spanish. As a B1 and B2 student, you can also improve your level of Spanish by reading and writing texts, articles and/or letters every day.
Most importantly, keep working and celebrate your progress. You have already achieved a lot, and that should motivate you to keep working hard and reach your Spanish learning goals. Perhaps it is also time to take your Spanish to the next level by traveling to a Spanish-speaking country and applying your knowledge on the ground.
If you are already fluent in Spanish at C1 or C2 levels, it is just a matter of combining your language skills. For example, you can start learning words from specific topics and subjects. You can also improve your knowledge of grammar. As in learning Spanish for advanced learners, you can actively read a book and write down the grammatical elements you don't know. You can also research and learn specific mistakes that native Spanish learners often make even at higher levels.
With a C1 or C2 level of Spanish, you should focus on identifying your individual problem areas. From there, you can improve your problem areas. In addition, you can work on perfecting your Spanish pronunciation. A typical problem some people have with Spanish pronunciation is the sound of the R. While in many languages, such as German, the R is rolled up at the back, near the bell, in Spanish it is different. In Spanish pronunciation, the R is rolled by vibrating the tongue against the back of the incisors. You can learn to pronounce the Spanish rolled R quickly with a few exercises.
When learning new words, it is especially important at the C level that you don't just translate the word into your native language. It is better to read the definitions in Spanish. This way you will better understand the contexts in which the word you have just learned can be used. In addition, you will avoid the danger of translating words from your native language into Spanish when you speak mentally. This learning strategy for learning Spanish will help you speak Spanish more fluently.
At levels C1 and C2, you will still need to work a little more to add variety to your rich knowledge of Spanish. You will continue to find new technical words and integrate them into your active vocabulary. You should also continue to work on recognizing and identifying common errors in speaking Spanish. Afterwards, you can work specifically on your Spanish skills, such as adopting the pronunciation of a specific Spanish-speaking country.
Another learning objective at C1 and C2 levels could be to reduce your foreign accent. If you achieve this, you will make your Spanish even better understood. In order not to get rusty, you should continue to surround yourself with the Spanish language, live it and use it in different situations. This is the only way to learn and improve your Spanish throughout your life.
Determine your language level with our Spanish language placement test.
Take me to the Spanish test »Use our Sprachcaffe magazine and learn more about Latin American and Spanish culture and customs, language and much more.
Read now »To learn Spanish successfully, it is important to have some tools to facilitate learning. You can use classic tools, such as dictionaries, workbooks and vocabulary books, or you can use new media and learn Spanish with the help of e-books, podcasts or apps. To get the most out of your Spanish learning unit, you should ideally combine classic and modern tools. Here are some of the tools available.
Classical learning methods for learning Spanish have the key advantage that you physically write something down on paper as you learn. This means that you don't have to concentrate on learning with the help of modern technology. This advantage is especially important when learning Spanish vocabulary and correct spelling. When you learn with pencil and paper, you can't be tempted to improve your spelling with the help of an automatic spell checker. You really have to rely on your knowledge of your Spanish spelling.
Especially if you are just starting to learn Spanish, it is important that you first familiarize yourself with the Spanish spelling. Therefore, you should not rely on automatic spelling, especially in the beginning. So grab a Spanish vocabulary book, flashcards and a Spanish grammar notebook and start improving your Spanish that way.
How does a language vacation in Malaga, Barcelona or Havana sound? All these dream destinations with a Spanish language package is the perfect combination to enjoy your longed-for vacation.
New media have changed the world and made many things easier and more convenient. Of course, this also applies to learning new languages. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to use the new media when learning Spanish and integrate them into your learning strategy. Below we have compiled some methods that will make it easier for you to learn Spanish with these media.
Take advantage of an e-book and learn Spanish: Most e-book readers allow you to mark words and phrases as you read them. The marked words can be exported to a separate list. This way, you can easily mark unknown words as you read, read the translation or definition and see them clearly in your list created after reading. This way, your reading flow will not be disturbed and you can fully concentrate on the exciting story.
Learn Spanish with podcasts: With the help of podcasts, you can expand your specific or general knowledge and entertain yourself. You can also use podcasts to learn Spanish. If you already have advanced knowledge of Spanish, you can simply choose a podcast on a topic that interests you and learn Spanish as you go along. For beginners, you can choose podcasts designed specifically for learning Spanish. If you are looking for a podcast that is right for you, feel free to get inspired by our article on the 10 best Spanish podcasts.
Learn Spanish with series: The best way to learn Spanish is in an indirect way. That's why series are especially good for learning Spanish this way. You can watch a Spanish series with or without subtitles and improve your Spanish level. If you are a beginner and want to learn Spanish for the first time, it is a good idea to watch your favorite series in Spanish. Even if you don't understand everything the first time, you will find it easy to follow your favorite series in Spanish.
Learn Spanish with videos: Nowadays, there are many free YouTube channels that allow you to learn Spanish effectively and for free. Most of these channels have different playlists individually designed for your current language level. In addition, these channels cover a wide variety of problem areas that you may encounter while learning Spanish. The best thing to do is to choose a channel you like and start learning Spanish.
Learn Spanish with video games: Video games are another easy way to learn Spanish indirectly. You simply have to set your video game console to Spanish and in most cases you will be able to start playing video games in Spanish. It's a fun way to learn the language.
Listen to an exciting audiobook and learn Spanish at the same time: Audiobooks are especially good if you want to improve your pronunciation and listening comprehension in Spanish. If you also want to work on your spelling, you can read the book at the same time as the audiobook. Not only will you see how the word is spelled, but you will also hear how a native speaker pronounces it.
Use useful apps to learn Spanish: Today, there are many different apps that can help you learn Spanish. Most focus on areas such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and listening comprehension.
In the following section, we will clarify the most frequently asked questions about learning Spanish. In this way, we can help you improve your Spanish and find a learning strategy that suits your needs.
In the beginning, it is very important to address the topics of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This will give you a solid foundation for the next steps in learning Spanish. It is best to start memorizing the first words and phrases. To learn Spanish, it is very important not to put too much pressure on yourself at the beginning. Learning a new language takes time and, unfortunately, it does not happen overnight. Therefore, at the beginning you should set small learning goals that you can easily achieve.
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning Spanish opens doors to many different and exciting cultures, which you probably wouldn't get to know well without learning Spanish.
Most Spanish-speaking countries are beautiful destinations with stunning sandy beaches and artistic cities. Learning Spanish will allow you to communicate with the locals in your destination. This will make your vacation even more special.
Learning Spanish can also bring you professional advantages. With a good knowledge of Spanish, you can easily work in an international company. Since many companies import products from Latin America, learning Spanish can give you the opportunity to work in one of them.
Learning a new language is a medium to long-term project and, therefore, does not work overnight. In this case, Spanish is no exception. Therefore, you need to motivate yourself over and over again and keep at it, in order to successfully learn Spanish and speak it fluently.
You should always set motivational goals for yourself when learning Spanish. For example, you can set a goal like this: You can set a goal to improve your Spanish so that the next time you go on vacation to a Spanish-speaking country you will be able to order in Spanish in a restaurant, or converse with some locals. Another goal could be to understand a movie in Spanish without subtitles.
As you can see, it is impossible to give an exact deadline for such a complex process as learning a foreign language, since learning depends on too many individual factors. However, if you do not give up and study regularly, you will quickly become an excellent Spanish speaker.
To learn Spanish successfully, you should think about a learning strategy appropriate to your language level before you start learning. You should make sure that your learning strategy covers vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, reading comprehension and listening comprehension. If you want to know more about learning strategies for different language levels, you can refer to the previous section.
In terms of difficulty, Spanish ranks in the average compared to other languages that use the Latin alphabet. Consequently, it is more difficult to learn Spanish than English. However, it is easier to learn Spanish than German, for example.
However, the degree of difficulty also depends on your own mother tongue and your other language skills. If you already know another Romance language, such as French, Portuguese or Italian, learning Spanish will be much easier.
There are many ways to actively improve your Spanish. However, if you don't have time for this and prefer to learn Spanish indirectly through other activities, we have put together some options for you, which you can read about in the following lines.
Podcasts and audiobooks are especially suitable for learning Spanish indirectly. You can learn Spanish while driving or on your way to work. You can also learn Spanish while playing sports. The next time you go for a run, you can listen to music in Spanish or, alternatively, listen to a podcast in Spanish.
The question of whether it is possible to absorb information and thus learn Spanish while sleeping has occupied sleep researchers for a long time. According to the latest findings, it is unfortunately not directly possible to learn Spanish while sleeping. Therefore, you are not likely to learn Spanish while sleeping by listening to soft music or podcasts.
However, since the processing of newly learned information takes place during sleep, sleep is essential for learning a new language. During sleep, the brain undergoes numerous regenerative processes. Among other things, new impressions are processed and new connections are created. Therefore, it is very important to get enough sleep during intensive learning phases.
A good strategy to combine learning Spanish and sleep is to learn Spanish shortly before going to bed. In this way, before going to sleep you establish new learning stimuli, which can be processed immediately during the night. You can make it a habit to review your Spanish vocabulary or read a Spanish book instead of using your smartphone.
As you can see, learning Spanish is worthwhile. Learning Spanish will bring you closer to many new cultures and will allow you to establish new contacts with people from other countries. Moreover, it is not particularly difficult to learn Spanish. You just have to study regularly and consistently over a long period of time and stay motivated.
Even if you have little motivation, you should not give up immediately, but always remember the reason why you started learning Spanish. If you need a learning partner to motivate you and support you with proven learning strategies, we are here to help you.
Do not hesitate to contact us! We will gladly respond to your request.