Language Resources

Schau dir die möglichen Aktivitäten in Vancouver bei Tag und bei Nacht an.
Vancouver is geographically special thanks to its picturesque location on the Pacific coast, surrounded by majestic mountains like the Coast Mountains to the north. The breathtaking backdrop of sea and mountains creates an incomparable landscape that characterizes the city. This impressive location of Vancouver creates perfect starting point for all kinds of activities in Vancouver for locals as well as tourists. Would you rather stay in the…
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Welche Sprachen gelten als Weltsprache? Hier erfährst du mehr!
How does a language become a global language and which languages are considered global languages? These are the questions we will explore in the following. We show how the respective language has developed into a world language and which influences have led to this.
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Wo wird überall Deutsch gesprochen? Finden wir es heraus!
In a world where languages serve as bridges between cultures, one language has impressively found its place in global communication: German. You'll find that German has found its way not only in Europe, but also on other continents - whether in the charming cafés of Vienna or the modern innovation centers of Germany. But let's dive even deeper. The spread of the German language is not limited to national borders or familiar places. It forms a…
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Music accompanies us in many moments of the day and in every phase of life, even when we are younger. This is exactly why English children's songs are a suitable way to teach children how to learn English in an entertaining way. Children have an extreme grasp of foreign languages, which is why listening to songs in English for children can be an effective way to get them to learn English. However, even for adults, English children songs can be…
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Are you wondering how much it costs to learn English? The answer is actually quite simple, learning English basically costs nothing in the first place. All you need is Internet access and you can start learning English. But how promising is this approach really? And should you invest some money in an English course or a learning app? To help you answer this question, we have put together a cost comparison of different English learning methods…
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The small country in the heart of Europe is characterized not only by the beautiful landscapes in the Alps. The variety of languages in Switzerland also make the country something unique. Switzerland has four official languages! In the following we will deal with the languages in Switzerland and give you an overview of the linguistic diversity and its importance for Switzerland and its inhabitants.
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Embarking on the journey of learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging. When it comes to learning Italian, traditional methods like textbooks and language courses may seem tedious and impersonal. However, there's an innovative and immersive alternative that can captivate your senses and make language acquisition a delightful experience: Italian language podcasts. With their engaging audio content and real-life conversations,…
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One of the biggest challenges in learning French is counting in French. When learning a new language, counting is usually one of the first things to be mastered. Learning numbers in a foreign language is of high importance because numbers appear in many everyday situations. From telling your own age to dialogue situations in shops or restaurants, you should quickly master numbers in French when learning French.
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Ever developed a crush on someone and had hesitation to walk up to them and express your feelings to them? Do not worry anymore we got you covered. Now you can use these pick up lines to express yourself in the most cheesy way possible.
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Learning English with the help of children's and young adults' books is a fun and effective way to improve your English skills. Children's books are usually written more concisely than literature for adults and provide a good opportunity to practice English in a simple and entertaining way. In addition, children's books can help spark an interest in the English language and culture. Moreover, children's books in English are a great way to…
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