
One of the biggest challenges in learning French is counting in French. When learning a new language, counting is usually one of the first things to be mastered. Learning numbers in a foreign language is of high importance because numbers appear in many everyday situations. From telling your own age to dialogue situations in shops or restaurants, you should quickly master numbers in French when learning French.
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Have you ever wondered what language is spoken in Morocco? Is there a language called “Moroccan”? On this page of our site you will find answers to these questions, as well as various information about the country and its history.
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Right in the heart of Europe we find Luxembourg, a truly fascinating country but about which we know very little. Could you tell, for example, what language is spoken in Luxembourg? Probably not, but finding out will amaze you. It is precisely for this reason that today here on Sprachcaffe we will delve into the subject, discovering the language spoken in Luxembourg and its peculiar characteristics, but also the other idioms spoken here. Yes,…
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Greece is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world thanks to its beaches and crystal clear water, its history, and its delicious cuisine. If you have decided to take a vacation in Santorini or Mykonos, or to visit the Acropolis of Athens with your friends, then it will be useful to know what language is spoken in Greece. Read below if you want to find out what is the official language in Greece and what are the other main…
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Learning English with the help of children's and young adults' books is a fun and effective way to improve your English skills. Children's books are usually written more concisely than literature for adults and provide a good opportunity to practice English in a simple and entertaining way. In addition, children's books can help spark an interest in the English language and culture. Moreover, children's books in English are a great way to…
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Austria is a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful panoramic views, mountains and lakes, but also due to the many cultural attractions such as palaces, museums and castles. Cities like Vienna and Salzburg are popular destinations for tourists from all over the world for their extraordinary architecture and eventful history. If you want to find out what language is spoken in Austria before booking your holiday, then read on.
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come migliorare l’inglese da soli
We all love to travel, don't we? We are sure that if you were offered a free plane ticket to another continent right now, you would surely say yes. Because travel is an instinct that has accompanied humans since the beginning of their existence. The exotic, the unknown, that which seems new to our eyes, captivates us, and these impulses make us wander further and further afield. Nowadays we have many more opportunities to travel than in earlier…
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You've been learning Spanish for a while and have a relatively good command of the basic vocabulary? Then it's time to take the next step in learning Spanish. With advanced Spanish skills, it's time not only to learn individual Spanish words, but also to get used to whole Spanish phrases and structures. This will make your Spanish sound more natural and native Spanish speakers will be able to understand you more easily. That's why we've put…
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You probably often ask yourself: which podcast can you learn French with? It's true that sometimes it's difficult to find a podcast that suits your level. Here we give you a selection of podcasts in French that will allow you to progress and have fun while doing it. As we all know, immersing yourself in a language is the best way to make progress. But if you don't have the opportunity to travel to France, speak with native speakers, or even take…
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Are you standing in the rain in beautiful Malta? Don't worry, Malta has more to offer than just beaches. With nightclubs, museums, shopping malls and plenty of history, Malta is a paradise on earth even when it rains. Malta is blessed with beautiful beaches and sunny skies. However, it rains in Malta on about 80 to 100 days. If it rains on the day you visit this beautiful island, here are 7 places to visit in and around Malta on a rainy day.  
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