Important Spanish words and phrases and for beginners

When learning Spanish words, the first question that naturally arises is where is the best place to start? There is a large amount of important Spanish words that are needed to build a solid basic vocabulary. In order to understand first texts and dialogues in the Spanish language, you should therefore start by learning basic idioms and Spanish expressions. Later, you can continue by adding everyday Spanish words to your own Spanish vocabulary. To give you an idea with which important Spanish words you can start your vocabulary training, we have picked out the most important Spanish words, phrases and expressions. To help you practice your Spanish conjugation, we've also included the 30 most important Spanish verbs.

Important Spanish words and phrases for beginners

Our list of important Spanish words and phrases for beginners includes phrases that you will be able to use after your first lesson in Spanish. In this list we have focused on presenting you with words for your first simple dialogues. It is important that you start speaking Spanish from the beginning and actively use important Spanish words as soon as possible. Once you have mastered these words, you can start learning topic-oriented Spanish words.

Spanisch English Spanisch English  
Hola Hello ¿Cómo estás? How are you?  
Buenos días Good morning Gracias Thanks  
Muy bien Very good ¿Qué tal? What's up?  
¿Y tú? And you? ¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name?  
Me llamo ... My name is ... Bienvenido Welcome  
Nos vemos See you later Por favor Please  
Hasta luego See you later Lo siento Sorry  
Vale OK, Agreed No entiendo I don't understand  
¡Salud! Bless you Buenas tardes Good evening  
Hasta la próxima vez See you ¡Que aproveche! Enjoy it!  
¿Qué hay? What's new? Trabajador Employees  
Cuídate Take care of yourself ¿Dónde está el baño? Where is the toilet?  
Hola, soy ... Hallo ich bin ... Aquí tiene Please (orders)  
Yo tengo ... años I am ... years old Camarero Waitress  
Soy de ... I come from ¿Qué haces hoy? What are you doing today?  
Perdón! Excuse me Disculpe! Sorry!  
¿Dónde vives? Where do you live? Preparar un café to make coffee  
¿Puedes ayudarme? Could you help me? ¿Puedes repetirlo? Could you repeat that?  
¡Claro! Sure! ¿Cuánto cuesta esto? How much does it cost?  
¿Qué significa [English word] en Español? What does [English word] mean in Spanish? ¡De nada! You're welcome!  
¡Por supuesto! Of course! ¡La menú por favor! The menu, please!  
¡La cuenta por favor! The menu, please! La propina – The tip  
Me gustaría ... I would like to ... aeropuerto Flughafen  

The 30 most important Spanish verbs to start with

Spanish verbs are one of the most important categories of words in the Spanish language and are an important part of any Spanish sentence. Also for learning Spanish grammar you should quickly look at the most important Spanish verbs. You will need them especially when learning Spanish conjugation. When learning Spanish verbs, don't get confused by the fact that different words in Spanish have the same German translation. This would be the case with the Spanish verbs ser and estar or oír and escuchar. They share the same German translation, but have a different meaning in Spanish.

Spanisch Deutsch Spanisch Deutsch
ser to be hacer to do
tener to have estar to be
beber to drink comer to eat
limpiar to clean jugar to play
aprender to learn enseñar to teach
cocinar to cook tomar to take
dar to give llamar to call
decir to say oír to hear
oler to smell ver to see
escuchar to hear sentir to feel
conducir to drive pedir to order
salir to go out creer to believe
poner put, lay vivir to live
escribir to write abrir to open
bailar to dance cambiar to change

Spanish dialogues for beginners to practice Spanish words and phrases

So that you can immediately see the new Spanish words in linguistic usage and in context with other words, we have created a few Spanish dialogues for beginners. Look at them carefully and maybe even try to read them aloud. This way you can directly learn the pronunciation of Spanish phrases and words. We have taken care to use mainly the Spanish words from our list. For each Spanish dialog you will also find the German translation. This will surely help you to learn.

Tomamos café en la oficina

Juan: Hola Manuel! ¿Cómo estás?
Manuel: ¡Estoy bien! ¿Y tú?
Juan: Todo bien, como siempre. ¿Quieres tomar un café?
Manuel: Sí, por supuesto, vamos a la cocina y preparamos un café.

We drink coffee in the office

Juan: Hello Manuel, how are you?
Manuel: I'm fine, how are you?
Juan: I'm fine, as always. Do you want to have a coffee?
Manuel: Yes, of course, let's go to the kitchen and make a coffee.

¿Dónde está el baño?

Miguel: Disculpe, ¿Dónde está el baño?
Camarera: Al fondo, a la derecha
Miguel: ¡Muchas gracias!

Where is the WC?

Miguel: Excuse me, where is the toilet?
Waitress: In the back, on the right
Miguel: Thank you very much!

En un restaurante

Juan: ¡Buenas tardes! Una botella de agua, por favor.
Camarero: ¡Con mucho gusto!
Juan: ¿Cuál es el menú del día?
Camarero: Cerdo y patatas
Juan: Perfecto, y una copa de vino, por favor.
Camarero: ¡Aquí tiene, buen provecho!

In a restaurant

Juan: Good afternoon, a bottle of water, please.
Waiter: With pleasure!
Juan: What is the menu of the day?
Waiter: Pork and potatoes.
Juan: Perfect, and a glass of wine, please.
Waiter: Here you go, bon appétit!

Pedir un taxi

Pablo: ¿Cuánto cuesta el taxi hacia el aeropuerto?
Taxista: 35 euros, sin propina.
Pablo: Vale, me gustaría reservarlo para mañana al mediodía.
Taxista: ¡Con mucho gusto, hasta pronto!
Pablo: ¡Hasta luego!

To call a cab

Pablo: How much is the cab to the airport?
Cab driver: 35 euros, without tip.
Pablo: OK, I would like to book it for tomorrow at noon.
Cab driver: With pleasure, see you!
Pablo: See you!

Conclusion: Learn Spanish words for beginners actively with dialogs

The best way to learn new important Spanish words and to be able to use them in your own Spanish sentences in the long run is to use them actively in your vocabulary training and to write your own sentences and dialogues with them. The best thing to do now is to sit down and write some Spanish dialogues for beginners. Take some of the words you find in our list above and write some simple Spanish dialogues. This way you will learn to actively use the Spanish language and your new Spanish phrases and words right from the start.

Do you want to improve your Spanish actively and with a lot of fun? Then you might be interested in our Spanish language courses in Cuba or Spain. There you will learn the basics of the Spanish language in an effective Spanish course and you can immediately use them in your free time with native Spanish speakers.