Regions of France

Regions of France
  • Alsace
  • Aquitaine
  • Auvergne
  • Brittany
  • Burgundy
  • Centre-Val-de-Loire
  • Champagne-Ardenne
  • Corsica
  • Franché-Comté
  • Île-de-France
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Limousin
  • Lorraine
  • Midi Pyrénées
  • Nord-Pas-de-Calais
  • Normandy
  • Pays-de-la-Loire
  • Picardy
  • Poitou-Charentes
  • Provence-Alps-Côte-d'Azur
  • Rhône-Alps


Île-de-France is a small but important region: among its eight departments is the capital of France itself, the famous City of Lights and one of Europe’s most prominent cities. Île-de-France has been described as being “the garden of kings” due to the endless amount of charming places and sites to see and visit. Places of interest to go and see near Paris include the Versailles, Vaux-him-Vicomte or Fontainebleau palaces, as well as the medieval city of Provins.

Its historical-cultural legacy of Paris alone is of such magnitude several weeks would be necessary to learn about it thoroughly. Famous historical figures passed through this city, including Joan of Arc, Charlemagen, Napoleón and all the kings of France. The architecture here is an attraction in itself, reflected in the exquisitely preserved cathedrals, abbeys and châteaux, some dating as far back as the middle ages.

Most of places of interest are around the Seine River: the museum of Louvre, Champ Elisees, Eiffel Tower, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, or the cemetery of Pêre Lachaise - place of rest of personalities that go from Oscar Wilde to Jim Morrison-. Nevertheless, there is another modern and avant garde Paris represented by the Pompidou Centre and the districts of La Défense and La Villette. Not all buildings, nature can also by thoroughly appreciated here when visiting the region’s lovely valleys and forests, along with all the wildlife they contain.