Events in Malaga

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Malaga celebrates a vast array of festivals and events throughout the year, many of which are linked to religion. Some of these include The Three Kings, May Crosses, and Easter Week, among many more.

The February Carnivals are fun to see and Malaga’s most important event, the Fair of Malaga is a must for visitors. Other winter festivities and events include music and sports events and activities, which are always great activities to add on to any itinerary. Come and join in the festivities while learning Spanish at your Spanish Language Course in Malaga.

The Three Kings

January 5

Traditionally, the three wise men visit children on this evening to bring them their presents. The Procession is made up of three carriages which parades around town with three ‘kings’ riding inside, distributing sweets out to the children in the crowds.

Eve of San Juan

June 13

This celebration is made up of various performances at Parque del Oeste and different beaches around the city to commemorate summer solstice on San Juan’s eve. This involves orchestral performances and fireworks.

Fiestas de Carnaval

Mid February

This carnival is celebrated before the 40 days of Lent and usually involves elaborate costumes, a parade and dance, and a “Carnival Queen” contest.

Some of the activities that are involved in this carnival include: Carnival Singing Contests, Street Parade, Piñata Sunday and Children’s Fancy Dress Contest among others.

Malagueñas Contest

April and July

Malaga’s City Council, along with Federación Malagueña de Peñas, organize a festival at Parque del Oeste traditionally referred to as Certamen de Malagueñas de Fiesta "Memorial José María Alonso". This is a contest to encourage people to sing and dance Malagan folk music. A competition is held among those who compose and then perform their compositions, either as solo performances or in a group or choir performance.

Easter Week (Semana Santa) in Malaga

Easter is an important time for Catholics and in Malaga, as in the rest of Spain, a lot of time and effort goes to preparation for this week. Huge processions fill the city’s historical artistic center and as the processions march through the city, art work such as paintings and sculptures representing Christ are carried on decorated thrones. These processions are held both during the day and at night.

Feria de Málaga (Malaga Fair)

Mid August

This is definitely not to be missed!! One of southern Europe’s longest summer fairs, this 10-day celebration begins when shops close up and everybody heads to see the firework displays that kick start the festival at the opening ceremony. During the day, parades are held all over the city streets and one that is especially pretty to see is the Arabian horses pulling along brightly colored carriages. Singing, acting and dancing performances are held constantly, as well as other events listed on the celebration program. This festival has many modern aspects to it, but also retains traditional celebrations such as bullfighting and gipsy flamenco music and dancing.

7th Annual Spanish Film Festival

1 May

This festival is a showcase which gives Spanish film professionals a chance to display their talents. The successful Malaga-born actor Antonio Banderas acts as honorary president of the festivities at this well-respected event.
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