How to learn language guide

79  Speaking: The ideal method is to go to the country where the language you're learning is spoken and try to speak in all possible situations. Especially at the beginning you shouldn't mind making mistakes: you should just focus on understanding and making yourself understood. If you can't go to the country where the language is spoken, my advice is to look for some native speakers living in your area or, if you can't find any, try to find friends speaking that language on the internet: you can use Skype, Facebook, and then there are many websites where you can find people willing to help you learn their mother tongue (e.g.  reading: Here the secret in my opinion is to focus on quality rather than quantity: try to read at least 5 minutes every day something in the language you want to learn. It can be anything: from newspapers, to the instructions of your smartphone or a recipe to make your favourite cake. The best is to read something you're interested in. MOST CREATIVE EFFECTIVE LEARNING LANGUAGES METHOD IS: I don't think that there is the effective method for all learners as everybody's different: some of us are very good at learning with pictures, others are very good at memorising sounds and so on. Each of us should build his/her own method. For myself, the best method is reading newspapers, watching films and speaking with native speakers. RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS:  Media, apps, online courses:  for all languages ANKI (app), DUOLINGO (app), Livemocha  for English  for French  for Slovak:  Books, magazines:  Speak up (newspapers for English learners), Slovacco Slovak Slovenčina (book for Slovak language learners in Italian, English and Slovak), Krížom Krážom (book for Slovak learners)  blogs, youtube, portals: and blogs for English learners  Radio, tv, music:  TV: I love watching the BBC (for English), France 24 and TV5 (for French) and TA3 (for Slovak)  radio: The World in Words (English), Les pieds sur terre, Tout un monde (French), Večer pod lampou (Slovak)  music, all songs are great to learn a language, as long as you as you like them MY FAVOURITE WORD IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE IS: “Zmarzlina”, it means ice cream in Slovak. MY LANGUAGE „NIGHTMARE”: “ Zmarzlina”, because it's hard to pronounce. Learning a foreign language will open the door to explore a new culture. See more at Emanuela’s blog >>>