How to learn language guide

63 Yulia Amlinskaya ∙ ∙ Russian language My TOP 3 articles:  Learn russian free  Learn russian  Learn russian fast About me: I am a Russian language teacher and a passionate language learner. Teaching is both my work and my main hobby. I am the owner of two international online language schools, “Russificate” ( and “Language Life” ( I speak 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. My native language is Russian. I have certificates in English, Spanish, French, German. I think you can never say “I learned a language”, a foreign language can be learned lifelong. MY TIPS & TRICKS FOR:  vocabulary learning  never learn lists of words, try to remember all the words in a context, to use them in your oral or written speech  learning grammar  don’t concentrate on the grammar too much, never think of grammatical mistakes you can make when you read or write. Grammar is a structure, it is important to understand how it works and be able to analyse it  speaking  try to speak a foreign language 3‐4 times a week with native speakers. Now it is possible via Skype  reading  reading in the clue to almost everything, especially grammar and vocabulary of a language. Never neglect it. Try to read something every day