How to learn language guide

101 RECCOMENDED LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS:  Media, apps, online courses Memrise, Anki  Books, magazines Teach Yourself  Blogs, youtube channels, portals Depends on particular language.  Radio, tv, music Depends on particular language. FAVOURITE WORD IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: “Saudade” in Portuguese. You can have it explained to you, but that “sense of longing” only makes sense when you feel it from missing Brazil after you leave! MY LANGUAGE „NIGHTMARE”: A culture convinced that their language is the hardest one in the world, or who may not have patience for beginner learners. This tends to have more to do with a city than a culture though. There are seven days in a week and “some day” is not one of them – start speaking your language today! See more at Benny’s blog >>>