How to learn language guide

100 MY TIPS & TRICKS FOR:  vocabulary learning  Mnemonics – you should use to get started  Spaced Repetition – Anki is good for that  learning grammar Beginners should not learn grammar in my opinion. Grammar's function is to help you speak a language correctly, and the priority at the start is to simply say something. Grammar studies are better suited to lower intermediate learners and up. They will also have enough context at this stage to process technical explanations, which are intimidating for absolute beginners.  speaking Speak from day 1! Get on Skype or walk up to someone and Tarzan out a conversation. You get good at whatever you practise, so if you avoid speaking you are doing nothing but postponing.  reading Beginners would get more enjoyment out of something with pictures, but to avoid children's material comic books and Manga are fun sources of reading material. I prefer more complex material when I'm at higher levels. “Learning With Text” is a free online tool that let's you import texts and have new words highlighted as you learn them. THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO LEARN LANGUAGES IS: Speak a language from day one. A language exists for communication, so we should use it for that from the start! METHODS I DO NOT RECOMMEND: “The Silent Period” approach, where you just hear the language all the time. This has never been proven to actually work, and even if it did, you'd need tens of thousands of hours just to be able to communicate in the same way you would through genuine practice in just a dozen or so hours.