Sprachcaffe Languages Plus TW

5 在入學前,學生將參加語言分級測試,範圍包含文法及詞彙。 語言測試有助於我們評估學生的語言能力,以確保分配的班 級課程符合學生的語言程度,並了解到達預期學習目標所需 的時間。 下方為SPRACHCAFFE採用的語言程度分級表。以密集課程( 每週30堂課)為例,學生通常需要約12週的學習時間達到升 級至更高一個程度的課程班級。每一位學生實際能夠升級 至更高一個程度班級所需要的時間不同,取決於個人學習 狀態、練習方式和運用語言的時間等。因此,學生也可能僅 需要8週的時間即進步至可以升級的程度。實際的學習進步 狀態依每一個分校評估為主。 入門階段: 學生能夠進行自 我介紹,理解和運 用簡單的日常用 語,並能與他人用 簡單的語言進行 互動。 精通語言: 學生了解和掌握 複雜的文法和詞 彙,並且能識別語 意上的些細微差 異,能像母語者一 樣自然地使用可 以在演講、辯論或 是學術領域使用 所學語言。 熟練掌握: 學生可以直接用所 學語言思考。並且 實現自由表達。可 以完全理解母語者 的對話內容且自信 地以相似的表達方 式抒發自己觀點。 綜合貫通: 學生能夠輕鬆流暢 地和母語人士自由 交流,並且能自然 和清楚地表達自己 對複雜話題的觀點 和看法。 能力增長: 學生掌握基本的 語法和詞彙,能 用常用的表達方 式,描述日常生 活、工作、家人以 及其他日常話題。 持續進步: 學生能夠進行自 我介紹,理解和運 用簡單的日常用 語,並能與他人用 簡單的語言進行 互動。 目前程度 您的目標 2 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks ∞ weeks 48 weeks 24 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 48 weeks 24 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 24 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 12 weeks 能夠使用基本的語 法和詞彙談論日常生活,能理解簡單 的訊息指令和提示。 能夠理解大多非專 業性文章以及文章的語言結構。 能夠流暢地書 寫,討論日常話題並與母語者進行 對話。能夠識別並運用語言的細微 差別。 語言能力已達到自 由交流的程度,能夠非常流利和準確 地表達自己的觀點,但有時會在特定 的領域缺乏特定的詞彙量。 掌握了全面語法知 識和大量詞彙,幾乎可以像母語者一 樣熟練運用所學語言。 COURSE OPTIONS & LEVELS YOUR STEPS TO SUCCESS■ 能夠在不同 情況下自由交談、寫信。並且閱讀簡 單的報刊文章。 未曾或者極少接觸 過所學語言。 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beneke University of Hildesheim Germany Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS Learning with all your senses! Many people who would like to learn a language believe – because of their experiences at school – that learning and having fun are mutually exclusive. Some believe, in a sense, that you have to suffer, otherwise you will not get the results that you would like to achieve. They are reminded of what learning grammar and vocabulary was likein the past. Even those experiences reinforce that learning a language inevitably involves a degree of pain and effort. Have your own experiences of learning made you afraid of failure, afraid of the teacher, worried about making mistakes or making a fool of yourself? At Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS you will experience a different way of learning. You will have fun and achieve success without losing sight of your serious goals. You will study in a relaxed way, one which is to learning and communicating without fear of making mistakes, literally like having a discussion in a “caffé linguistico”. And this is where the name of the Sprachcaffe institute, which is a play on words, comes in. ’Sprach’ implies language and communication and ’caffé’ refers to the atmosphere we aim to create in the classroom. Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS only teaches a language in a country in which it is spoken. That makes the country, city, and its people an important part of the concept. Learning with all the senses makes all the difference! As a result of all my visits to Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS schools, I have come to the conclusion that all the above mentioned features and qualities are in evidence. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beneke Professor Jürgen Beneke, PhD, teaches Applied Linguistics at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). His research interests are languages for professional purposes, foreign language didactics and inter-cultural communication. He has been an adviser to many European companies and the Federal Government in Germany. C2 - 專業程度 C1 - 高級程度 B1 - 中級程度 B2 - 中高級程度 A2 - 初到中級程度 A0 - 基礎階段 A1 - 初級程度