Sprachcaffe Languages Plus TW

17 "At GEOS, I learned correct English pronunciation, spelling and grammar. These skills will certainly help me s ucceed in college. I have really enjoyed meeting all the different students at GEOS." Mariana Pimenta | Centennial College | Canada "My goal was to study in Germany. I am proud to say, that I have passed my TestDAF and I will begin studies at my favourite university. I am really thankful for the support when filling out the application form, writing my CV, as well as the motivational letter!" Toshal Kartick , 19 | Mauritius UNIVERSITY PATHWAYS 留學英國 合作學校(範例): Queen Mary College, University of London, University of Kent, University of Bedforshire, University of Sussex, University of Brighton, University of Manchester, University of Central Lancashire, Edinburgh University 大學預科課程的準備 估計學費: 歐盟學生:平均9000英鎊/年 非 歐盟學生:平均15000英鎊/年 申 請費用:230英鎊 12 週課程費用:2640英鎊起 課程時長:最少12週 留學加拿大 合作學校(範 加拿大: 例): Royal Roads University, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Acsenda School of Management, Toronto Film School, The Art Institute of Vancouver, Laurentian University, Thompson Rivers University, University of Regina 估計學費: 平均每學年9000至19000加幣 申 請費用:350加幣 12 週課程費用:4560加幣起 課程時長:最少12週 留 學馬爾他 合作學校(範例): London School of Commerce Malta, STC, Wolverhampton University Malta, American University of Malta 估計學費: 預科課程:歐盟和非歐盟學生 平均 5000歐元/年 學位課程:歐盟學生和非歐盟學生 每學年4000歐元-10000歐元 申 請費用:290歐元 12 週課程費用:2400歐元起 課程時長:最少12週 留學德國 合作學校(範例): University of Applied Sciences Jena, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, University of Cooperative Education Thüringen – Gera, Technical University Freiberg, University Stuttgart 估計學費: 歐盟和非歐盟學生,每學期學費平均 500歐元 - 包括大眾運輸交通費和其他服務費用,金額根據學期有 所不同 申 請費用:290歐元 12 週課程費用:3000歐元起 課程時長:最少12週 更多訊息請參見我們的 Pathway 手冊