Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS High School EN 2021
9 HOST FAMILY You will be welcomed into your home away from home. Every host family is different while having the same values. All of our host families are open-minded and interested in the culture you, as their high school student, are bringing into the family. They do not only offer you a roof over your head but want you to be- come part of their daily lives. They will integrate you into their routines and do their utmost to make you feel comfortable. You might be living in a big family with several children or a smaller household or just caring host parents. Families with pets or a stay on a farm are also an option. All of our host families are carefully preselected and it is made sure that they fulfil our expectations. Taking an in- ternational student into their home has been a long tradition in a lot of countries. As a result, you will feel comfortable quite easi- ly. It is natural, that it takes time to get to know each other a little. With just a bit of initiative however, it won’t take long to make you feel part of the family. This way your host family will become your second home. If there are any questions or problems, our Sprachcaffe staff will always be there to assist. In summary, your High School stay will not only be fascinating, but also safe. WELCOME.
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