Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS High School EN 2021

AGES 14 TO 18 65 #oxmoxplatzhalter Programme Overview Duration of stay: 3 months, Semester and School Year Application period: 4 months prior to departure Programme includes: Accommodation and board with host family Lessons at High School School fees On-site support Visa permit Information package Preparatory Seminar Not included: Pocket money Visa fees Excursions Cost of course materials School lunches School uniform Insurance Other: There are no application fees Prices in EURO Sweden Finnland Denmark Norway 2 Months 5.130 5.130 3.730 3.730 3 Months 5.830 5.830 4.130 4.130 Semester 6.830 6.830 5.830 5.930 School Year 7.530 7.530 6.730 6.830 Did you know? SCHOOL SYSTEM Laid back, but very successful. There is a reason why the Scan- dinavians are at the top of the PISA studies when it comes to education. Scandinavian students stay in the same school for the first nine to ten years. After that they continue their studies for another two to four years at a different school. The interaction between students and teachers is very straightforward - the result is a relaxed teaching atmosphere. The school year usually starts in mid-August and ends in early June. LANGUAGE SKILLS You will have a local contact person at all time. He or she is also respon- sible for the selection of host families. On-site supervisors also take on coordinating and advisory tasks. If you have any questions or problems, you can of course contact us at any time as well. SUPERVISION Sprachcaffe maintains close contact with the local coordinators to help you with any issues that may arise. In addition, a member of the Interna- tional Office will be there to support you as well. HOST FAMILY Family life is very important in Scandinavia. Most families have their own house or apartment. Since the Scandinavians are very liberal, young people usually enjoy a relatively large amount of freedom - but this should not prevent them from conscientiously fulfilling their domestic and, above all, school duties. PREPARATORY SEMINAR All students first take part in an orientation seminar for a couple of days in one of the country´s capitols. You will then travel on to your destinati- on, where your host family will welcome you. NAVIA WOODEN CHURCH STOCKHOLM NIDAROS CATHEDRAL ANOTHER WORD FOR FREEDOM!