Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS High School EN 2021
55 AGES 14 TO 18 Programme Overview Duration of stay: 1-3 Terms Application period: 3 months prior to departure Programme includes: Accommodation and board with host family Lessons at High School School fees School uniform On-site support Visa permit Information package Not included: Pocket money Visa fees Excursions Cost of course materials School lunches School uniform Insurance Other: There are no application fees Did you know? In Ireland, you have the choice between the Classic and Select + program. This means that you either let chance decide which school you will attend or, if you have more precise ideas, tell us what is important to you and we will suggest schools in you preferred region that match your personal interests. THE SCHOOLS The high schools that we offer are privately organized, but are nonetheless in accordance with the state education system. Overall, all schools offer a varied and interesting range of sub- jects from which you can choose the ones that you like best. English and Math are mandatory. A school staff member will advise and support you on the putting together your schedule. SCHOOL SYSTEM The school year in Ireland is divided into trimesters, starting in September and ending in May. Irish secondary education is di- vided into two sections that each consist of three years. They are called "Junior Cycle" and "Senior Cycle". In between there is the so called "Transition Year", which offers many practical courses as an orientation year between middle and high school. There is an additional fee for the Transition Year. ACCOMODATION The Irish are considered one of the most hospitable peoples. This is also what our returnees confirm over and over again. Our local staff select host families very carefully. For two and three term stays, a flight home (outward and return flight) for Christmas is included in the program price. SUBJECT SELECTION English and math are compulsory classes. All other subjects are electives. The schools offer, for example, geography, social sciences, wood and metalwork, economics, politics, drawing and in the field foreign languag- es such as French and Spanish. The "outdoor education" and sports offer is also impressive. SUPERVISION SPRACHCAFFE maintains close contact with the local coordinators to help you with any issues that may arise. In addition, a member of the International Office will be there to support you as well. HOST FAMILY New Zealand is a country where you can feel that hospitality is more than just a word. International students are welcomed with a big smile and supported and well looked after during their stay. In return the families also expect the students to be open-minded and able to adapt to their lifestyle to create a harmonic living situation. Classic Prices in EURO 1 Term 2 Terms 3 Terms August/ September 6.800 7.310 10.710 January 6.800 9.410 AND THE C OUNTR Y O F HOSP ITALIT Y #loveireland
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