Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS High School EN 2021

47 AUSTRALIOA: HOBART & LAUNCETON LAUNCESTON COLLEGE The large campus with a gymnasium and a swimming pool is located in the centre of the city but surrounded by beautiful parks and gardens. The college offers exciting performing arts programs. Approx. 1.000 Music, Drama, Dance, Vocational Education, Business Studies Athletics, Biking, Soccer, Surfing, Australian Football Queen Victoria Museum, Cataract Gorge, Bridestowe Lavender Farm MY HIGHSCHOOL YEAR IN AUSTRALIAWAS THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. NEW IMAGE OF PEO- PLE AND OTHER CULTURES. MIA Grades 11+12 from Jan from Apr from July from Oct 1 Term 10.070 10.070 10.070 10.470 2 Terms 18.870 18.870 19.260 20.430 3 Terms 26.530 27.050 27.780 27.780 4 Terms 33.480 34.920 34.560 34.560 Prices in AUD Grades 9 +10 from Jan from Apr from July from Oct 1 Term 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.900 2 Terms 17.140 17.140 17.520 19.640 3 Terms 24.960 25.490 26.220 26.220 4 Terms 32.460 33.900 33.540 33.540