Sprachcaffe Languages PLUS High School EN 2021

AGES FORM 14 TO 18 45 Half way between Brisbane and Sydney, Coffs Harbour is located. An enjoyable climate and lots of sunshine are characteristic for the region as well as lonesome beaches and green forests of eucalyptus. Everything seems to be in balance and that’s why the relaxed Australian lifestyle fits so well. Coffs Harbour Without doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is multicultural with 4,6 million inhabitants and a wonderful location. The famous Opera House, the countless cultural offerings as well as shops and big shopping centers will make you fall in love with the city. Sydney A CRONULLA HIGH SCHOOL Cronulla High School is only a few meters away from beautiful beaches. The school offers a wide range of performing arts. You can take part in a band, choir or other musical ensembles. Approx. 680 Special Arts, Media and Music program, Photography, Musical Rugby, Surfing, Tennis, Badminton, Netball, Basketball Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Taronga Zoo, Sealife Aquarium, Australian Museum, Manly Beach B WOOLGOOLGA HIGH SCHOOL The Woolgoolga High School is in a wonderful location between rainforest and beautiful beaches. The school stands out because of its high academic standard as well as varied sport opportunities like sur- fing, yoga, rugby and whalewatching. Approx. 950 Marine Biology, Multimedia, Technics, Environment, Photography Basketball, Cricket, Fishing, Surfing, Softball, Soccer, Bowling, Yoga Bongil-Bongil Park, Pet Porpoise Pool, Forest Sky Pier Prices in AUD Grades 9 +10 from Jan from Apr from July 1 Term 11.210 11.210 11.210 2 Terms 19.040 19.040 19.040 3 Terms 28.300 27.490 28.710 4 Terms 37.070 37.470 37.470 Grades 11+12 from Jan from Apr from July 1 Term 11.720 11.720 11.720 2 Terms 19.950 19.950 19.950 3 Terms 29.650 28.830 30.060 4 Terms 38.860 39.270 39.270 Prices in AUD Grades 9 -12 from Jan from Apr from July 1 Term 11.100 11.100 11.100 2 Terms 18.940 18.940 18.940 3 Terms 28.200 27.390 28.610 4 Terms 36.770 37.170 37.170