Understanding English Vocabulary

By recognizing and distinguishing the English word types, learning English grammar will be much easier. You will build a foundation that will make understanding the explanations in English grammar much easier.

Learn how to identify the nine English parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and more, and what their purpose and function is in an English sentence.

The Nine English parts of speech explained

Part of speech example  
Noun Designates person, place, thing, event or concept apple, dog, car
Pronouns Substitutes noun or other part of speech for efficient speech He, I, We
Adjectives Describes a noun or pronoun in more detail beautiful, scary, nice
Adverbs Describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb more closely daily, annually, extremely
Prepositions Expresses place, time, direction, relationship of another part of speech up, down, after
Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that connects words, sentences, or parts of sentences.  
Interjections Express emotions, moods, or sensations. Ahh!, Whoa!, Oops!
Articles Accompanies nouns and determines accuracy. a, an, the

The three English tenses at a glance

Basic parts of speech in English grammar

English Meaning Example sentence
Noun Noun: Denotes persons or things. Malta is a beautiful destination.
Verb Activity Word: Expresses an action or state. I travel to Malta.
Adjective Property word: Describes the noun in more detail. The trip to Malta was beautiful.
Pronouns Proverb: Stands in place of a noun He is travelling to Malta.
Adverb Circumstance word: Describes a verb, an adjective, or another He immediately decided to travel to Malta.  
Conjunction Connecting word: Connects words or groups of words together He travelled to Malta and liked it there.
Preposition Proportion word: Expresses in which relation persons or objects are located. She is on a flight to Malta.
Interjection Exclamation: Expresses a sentiment or request. Look, he is learning English.

Types of pronouns

English Explanation Example words
Possessive pronoun Possessing Mine, Yours, His, Hers, My, Your
Demonstrative pronoun Denotes and identifies a noun This, These, That, Those
Personal pronoun Refers to a specific person I, You, He, She, we ...
Reflexive pronoun Refers to the subject of the sentence Myself, Yourself, Herself, Himself, Itself, Ourself, Yourself, Themselves